Slovak Medical Association Slovak Society for Biomedical Engineering and Medical Informatics Welcome on the Society web page |
In October 2024, elections for the new committee of the society were conducted via correspondence. The election commission's meeting to evaluate the results took place on November 7, 2024. Society members were informed of the election results via email. The first meeting of the new committee and supervisory board was held on November 13, 2024 in the form of a video conference on the ZOOM platform. During the meeting, the president, vice president, and scientific secretary of the society, as well as the chair of the supervisory board, were elected. The composition of the new committee, supervisory board, and documents related to the correspondence elections and their results can be found on the web page Committee.
Documents of the Ministry of Health of Slovak republic for annotation can be found (in Slovak only) here.
Free access to the on-line journal Medical and Biological Engineering and Computing of the IFMBE have all SBEMI SkMA members as they become automaticall also IFMBE members. For free access to the journal it is necessary to give the e-mail address to the SBEMI SkMA committee. Easiest way to access the journal is from the web page The journal offers among others "peer reviewed" papers an all topics of biomedical and clinical engineering, publication of 12 issues per year, short paper evaluation times and fully web-based system for on-line manuscript processing.
Minutes from meetings of the society committee and other documents are accessible for Society members on the Slovak version of the web page Committee. This part is maintained only in the Slovak version of the webpage.
Last updated: November 25, 2024, Webmaster