Slovak Medical Association

Slovak Society for Biomedical Engineering and Medical Informatics

Scope of the Society

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For members

Society for Biomedical Engineering and Medical Informatics (SBEMI) is one of the specialized societies of the Slovak Medical Association (SMA).

It is an apolitical non-profit organisation  financed from member contributions, its own activities and possible subsides and donations. SBEMI associates specialists from

  • biomedical engineering

  • medical informatics


The society aims to create a platform for activities of technologically, mathematically and medically oriented specialists working in the research and application of new methods, material and devices for the healthcare. Main tasks of the Society are

  • spread of information on new medical technologies, methods for biosignal measurement and processing, methods and systems for medical information retrieving and processing,

  • cooperation with technical and medical universities in graduate and postgraduate education of specialists for the field of biomedical engineering and medical informatics,

  • participation in introducing of new information and engineering technologies for biomedicine,

  • providing methodological, technological and technical support for healthcare institutions.


The tasks of the Society are accomplished by organizing seminars and conferences, by supporting the participation of society members in conferences and by publishing in scientific journals.

SBEMI SMA is member of


This membership brings individual advantages to all society members in retrieving special materials and publication or when participating in activities of these associations.


SBEMI has registered members from all over the Slovakia. In its activities are involved Medical School of the Comenius University in Bratislava, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Informatics of the Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava, Faculty of Machinery of the Technical University in Kosice, Faculty of Electrical Engineering of the University of Zilina, Postgraduate Medical School in Bratislava, Institute of Metrology, Institute of Measurement Science of the Slovak Academy of Sciences, National Health Care Information Centre and many others.


Activities of society members are oriented to education in the field of biomedical engineering and medical informatics, to measurement and processing of biological signals, to healthcare information systems, to biomedical image processing, to modelling and simulations of biological systems, to artificial intelligence and expert systems and to standardization and certification of medical devices.


More information about the society and its committee, about membership in the society, about activities, events and basic documents can be found also on this web page.